This is also how dusty the back of our car was after we arrived in Bluff on Saturday morning.
Our packed car
The reason we met in Bluff lies in its history: G.L. Hobbs was the son of George Brigham Hobbs, who helped establish Bluff, Utah. By way of further explanation,
"In 1879-80, Mormon pioneers built a wagon road between established communities in southwestern Utah and the Four Corners area. They were fulfilling an assignment from their church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to establish a settlement in the area. Their journey turned into an ordeal of unparalleled difficulty as they blazed a route across some of the most broken and rugged terrain in North America. Upon their arrival in the San Juan area in April 1880, they established a small community called Bluff. Their first dwellings were one-room log cabins. The cabins were arranged to form a large square [and have in part been recreated as part of the Historic Bluff Fort in Bluff, Utah.] Annually, over twenty thousand visitors are gaining a glimpse of life on the San Juan frontier thanks to donations and the efforts of numerous volunteers." -the Hole-in-the-Rock Foundation homepage
The Monticello LDS Temple
(If any of you plan to visit soon, call me and I'll tell you everything you need to know about this super small temple. Things I learned the hard way...)
(Tyler, Mel, Graig and Mom helped build it two summers ago with some of our cousins)
A victorious descent down the worst hill of the trip!
At the Anasazi ruins; we also stopped at San Juan Hill, which the pioneers had to cross on their way to Bluff. The slope is so steep they had to use seven teams of horses to pull each wagon.
Mom was the only one who didn't come with us. (There weren't enough helmets to go around and she did the trip last time she was in Bluff anyway)
Other sightseeing:
Overlooking the "Goosenecks" of the San Juan River on a very windy day.