Tuesday, September 28, 2010
"Heart-Attacking" Jill
Monday, September 27, 2010
Hiking the Y for FHE
It was Mara's first-ever hike. I assured her afterward that most trails I've been on are not nearly as steep. Some of the guys brought brownies, which provided a much-welcomed reward for reaching the top. Then we had a spiritual thought about trials. It was a lot of fun!
Friday, September 24, 2010
What do you get when you cross Shakespeare with Dr. Seuss? Melted Cheese!
J M Henrie
Nor in the dark of night will I consume
I do not understand the minds of they
Who, with a smile, with thee their breath perfume.
I will not eat thee on a crowded train
Nor try thee on a cold, high mountain peak.
What madness doth consume the men who claim
That gooey yellow mold is good to eat?
I've tried thee once, and yes I must confess
You rock on pizza and 'tween bites of bread...
I'd have to be insane or in duress
To eat thee otherwise, as I have said.
123Now, ice cream, there's a food that is divine
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Chemistry Picnic
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry held its annual department picnic Saturday, September 18, just inside Rock Canyon at Park Area 4.
About 180 graduate students, faculty, staff and their families attended for a delicious potluck with a wide array of foreign dishes as well as typical American food such as sloppy joe’s, green salad, and watermelon. After dinner, many enjoyed an equally varied arrangement of desserts. There were brownies, cookies, and a dish of exotic caramel-colored cuisine.
Volleyball was arguably the most popular activity, with enthusiastic students playing constantly throughout the evening. One of the highlights of the game was when one young man went for the ball, set it, and immediately crouched down so another member of his team could spike it over the net. Instead, the ball came down and bounced off his head. The game was temporarily discontinued while everyone who had seen, including the man himself, had a good laugh.
Students also took advantage of playing horseshoes, soccer, Frisbee and football. Children enjoyed playing on the playground and climbing the trees, as well as trying their hand at horseshoes. They also enjoyed playing soccer, Frisbee and football.
Graduate students in the chemistry department represented at least 12 countries including: the United States, Iran, China, Nepal, Korea, Mexico, Colombia, India, Italy, Spain, Canada and the Philippines. If the department picnic is anything to judge by, we have some things in common besides chemistry: noodles, preserving memories via digital film, and volleyball.
One of the students was also talking excitedly about learning to snowboard in “The Greatest Snow on Earth”- Utah. “In Iran, we get some snow,” she said, “but I’ve never tried to ski or snowboard. I’m planning to go this winter!”
There was plenty of laughter and fun to go around that sunny Saturday. Even the weather smiled down as the trees filled with children and the game on the volleyball court stayed active.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Let There be Rain!
I love Utah's sporadic weather patterns! Today in particular has been far from dull. Only problem with current rain? It's really cold.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
To Everyone who has Ever Attended UVU: The Barbie Bike
Well, guess what? The other day as I was parking my bike I got really excited because there was a Barbie bike parked in the bike rack! I thought, Wow, BYU has a Barbie vehicle too!
Unfortunately, upon closer inspection, the pink-and-white bicycle was not actually Barbie. But the important thing is it is easily mistaken for Barbie, and that's all that really matters. The Barbie bike made my day. I hope it makes yours.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Mad Skill With a Muffin
"If I drop anything, it'll be me falling off my bike," she said.
But sure enough, before we even got to the first light, she called, "Jess!"
"Did you drop your muffin?" I asked without fully turning around to see.
Her voice was exultant. "Yes, but I caught it with my knees."
I turned to look at her in disbelief. "No way."
"Yes, way." She waved her half-eaten muffin in my face, the irrefutable evidence.
We rode the rest of the way to campus. On the way, Jill dropped her trash in a trash can on the side of the road without stopping or wavering.
Good muffins, by the way, Mom. Thank you. :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Ultimate Spoons
Between playing Ultimate Spoons and Catchphrase, Jill taught everyone to make delicious English toffee.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Life On Campus
Swedish fish and frozen grapes have become our trademark by now
Mara found these moose boxers between her bed and the wall our first night in our apartment. If Swedish fish and frozen grapes are our trademark, the moose boxers have become our mascot
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Miracle on BYU Campus
Jessica had a roommate named Jill, whose grandma had to have emergency open heart surgery yesterday and things didn't exactly go perfectly. Jill invited Jessica to fast with her two meals today. Jessica agreed.
Now, Jessica usually rides her bike to school every day, and she always has to stop at the top of the hill for a long drink of water, which she carries in her backpack. Today she said a prayer to begin her fast, and in her prayer told Heavenly Father she would do her best to fast both food and water, but "water would be particularly difficult." She prayed for the strength to last the day and set off on her bike.
It is now almost time for Jessica to ride back to her apartment for dinner, and she does not feel the slightest bit hungry or thirsty. She hasn't felt hungry or thirsty all day. Not even at 2 p.m. when one of her fellow students in her Creative Writing class kindly offered her a Wheat Thin cracker. (She didn't take it.)
Jessica's been praying all day for Jill, her grandma, and their family- and occasionally for help for herself- and the Lord has answered.
I will continue to fast until dinnertime. But I felt like I should share a small miracle with you all today. The Lord takes those in their weakness and molds them into something amazing.
Thanks, Jill.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A Bowl, a Broom, and a Key: My Adventures Before 10 AM
With the laundry folded, I got myself a bowl of cereal and had breakfast. But afterward, while I was washing my bowl, my fingers slipped and the bowl slipped and I grabbed for it (and almost caught it) but missed and watched it smash into pieces of varying size on the kitchen floor. Jill heard it smash and came running in to see what happened.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she said when she saw the broken bowl.
Jill was on her way out the door to leave for school. I followed her out to borrow a broom from Laura, our R.A. I was still in pajamas and I didn't have shoes on, but it was a beautiful morning and I didn't really care. (Good thing.)
Nobody answered at Laura's apartment so I went over to the multipurpose building (where the housing office is). They only had vacuums. So I walked back to my apartment and knocked on our neighbor's door, where I finally found a broom and dustpan. I swept up the broken pieces and gave thanks that the bowl wasn't made of glass. Then I left to return the broom and dustpan.
I didn't even think about how I would get back into my apartment. When I left it before, I had my keys with me in one hand. This time I forgot everything except getting the broom back where it belonged.
Then, and only then, did I shower and get ready for the day. I wonder what lurks around the corner of the afternoon?
Monday, September 13, 2010
Explaining "Clash of the Titans" (2010) to Genevieve
Disclaimer: For my creative writing class we’re supposed to be looking at the world with “poetic eyes.” We’re also taught that writing helps your creativity flow. So, FYI, the following poem is not really intended to be good. It’s just practice. Be kind.
Side note: Don’t let my opinion of Clash of the Titans (2010 version) mess with yours.
I watched Clash of the Titans over the weekend with my roommates.
Oh, yeah? How’d you like it?
The effects were cool, but I didn’t follow the storyline very well.
Really? My sister saw it and loved it! I haven’t seen it though.
Well, it’s about this guy
Who washes up to a boat as a baby
in a trunk
with a dead woman.
His mother?
Yeah. But you don’t find that out until later.
So a fisherman finds this baby
And brings him up as his own son.
Then a bunch of years later,
The boy’s whole family drowns
When Hades
Comes up from the underworld
And creates a massive wave that sinks their boat.
He did this
by order of Zeus (who loves mankind)
because some crazy people
decided they were tired of the gods ruling their lives
and destroyed a statue of Zeus.
The boy, Perseus, is so mad
That he wants to kill Hades right then and there.
(But it’s probably good he didn’t try
Because he would have been toast.)
He can’t try
Because Hades disappears
And then some soldiers find Perseus
And take him back to the kingdom
With the crazy king
And even crazier queen
Who are making war on the gods
And somehow expect to win
And Hades comes again, directly to the royal court
And you find out Perseus is actually a demigod,
Son of Zeus.
I know.
So Perseus is actually the son of a god;
His mother was a queen
Of a distant kingdom.
Her husband, the king,
Was making Zeus mad
So he disguised himself
As the mortal king
And tricked his wife
Into having a child with him.
When the king finds out
The boy isn’t his,
He’s so mad he locks his wife
And the baby
Into a trunk
And throws them off a cliff into the sea.
The woman dies,
But Perseus, son of a god, does not.
He’s the only one
Who can defeat the kraken
Which is Hades’s child
And can only be killed
With the head of Medusa.
So Perseus decides to kill the kraken
But first they have to kill Medusa
And before that
They have to talk to the (three? four?) Fates
To find out how to kill Medusa
But on the way to do that
Hades starts getting worried
And turns Perseus’s mother’s husband,
The mean and criminally insane king,
Into a monster with incredible power
And sends him to kill Perseus and his companions.
They end up fighting
A bunch of giant scorpions
Created by drops of the monster king’s blood
As well as the monster king himself.
A few people die,
They defeat the scorpions,
The monster king runs off,
Perseus talks to the Fates (creeps!)
And they’re off to kill Medusa.
All the while
There’s this girl following them
Who was cursed by Zeus not to age;
So she’s been around for many years
Watching Perseus grow up
And she just so happens to know
Where Medusa’s lair is,
And leads the company there.
Women cannot enter in,
So she waits outside
While everyone else (all men)
Go in and die.
Only Perseus makes it out,
Carrying the head of Medusa
In a travel-worn sack,
Triumphant but shaken.
As he nears the girl
She is stabbed through the back
By the monster king,
Whom Perseus immediately kills,
But too late
to save the old-yet-young beautiful woman
who led him there.
Perseus had made an oath
To kill the kraken without
Any help from the gods
But to kill the monster king,
He used a sword given him from Zeus,
And to kill the kraken,
He flew on a black pegasus
Sent from Zeus
Holding the head
Of a terrible myth
He could only have defeated
With the help of the Fates
And the guidance
Of a woman
Made almost immortal
By Zeus.
So he finally swallows his pride
And flies to where the kraken
Was due to appear,
Kills it,
And Zeus appears in person
To thank him,
Because Hades had tricked him
Into giving him strength
And if Perseus hadn’t killed the kraken
Hades would have usurped Zeus
And claimed rule
Of the universe.
Zeus offers Perseus
A place in Olympus,
Among the gods,
But Perseus refuses.
And then proud-but-bummed Zeus proclaims,
“No son of mine shall ever be alone!”
And he brings back to life
The woman
The monster king killed
Right after the Medusa battle.
And as heroic music plays
The screen fades to black
And the credits start rolling in.
That’s it?
That’s it.
So… How’d you like it?
Cool effects. Weird story.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Coulda Slept In! (Or Gone to the Temple)
Upon arriving at school and after Jill and I locked up our bikes, she asked me which building my 9:00 class was in. I automatically said, "The HFAC!"
She was on her way to the Eyring Science Center, so we went our separate ways. I was almost to the HFAC when I remembered- my 9:00 class was actually in the JSB! So I turned around and caught up to Jill on her way to the ESC on my way to the JSB. Then, right before we got to the ESC, I remembered something else- something strange. I didn't come to school this early last Friday. Had I missed a class?
I was really confused until I finally realized my 9:00 class is only on Mondays and Wednesdays. My first class (which was in the HFAC) didn't start until 11!
"Jess, how did you miss that?" Jill asked me in disbelief when I shared my revelation. "You could have slept in- and not just a little bit!"
I have no idea how I missed it. And I just realized I could've taken up an invitation from some of the guys in our FHE group to attend the Provo temple this morning. "Early to bed and early to rise" makes Jessica look like a fool. :)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Meet my Roommates!
Jill: very musically talented (guitar and piano are only two instruments in her repertoire), loves dogs (!), patient and kind. :) Teaching me "Christofori's Dream" on the piano FROM MEMORY. From Tennessee. Spiritual. Doesn't like having her picture taken (hence no picture).
Two very different people, but I am super lucky to be rooming with them!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Sign? What sign?
After I arrived at work, I tried looking up rules for bicycles at BYU and couldn't find any except the ones I (now) already know: 1) only park your bike in a bike rack, 2) your bike must be registered (any city in Utah County will do), and 3) do not ride your bike in the 10-minute break between classes. Funny thing, though- all three of those rules were in separate places! You'd think they'd put all the bike rules on one page. How am I to know if there are other rules I'm breaking because I don't know about them?
One of the things I found said there were "signs all over campus" that explained about the don't-ride-your-bike-during-class-break rule. I haven't seen anything of the kind.
Sign? What sign?!