Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Has milk always been named?

Several weeks ago while I was eating a bowl of yummy cereal, I happened to take a closer look at the milk jug and this is what I saw:

My milk jug

Note "MANNY." I've also had a "JULIO" and a "TYLER." Have milk jugs always had names?

Mara's milk jug


  1. My milk doesn't have a name. I went to the fridge and looked. Graig says maybe it is like a fortune cookie and Mara should be on the look out for a cute boy named "Tyler" and you should be watching for "Manny". Is that whole milk?

  2. If they are going to name the milk, why don't they give it a COW'S name like Bessie or Bossie? Bulls don't give milk!
