Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cafe Rio!

Today was Cafe Rio wraps day! I tended the pork last night before bed and today before and after my and Hannah's rehearsal (Tyler had the day off). It turned out great! Hannah made pink lemonade ice cream cake, which is one of her favorite desserts. That turned out well too. After dinner (and before dessert), we went to a local pool and played hard for two hours! Now I'm tired and I reek of chlorine. But I had a blast.

Humorous story of the day: Lindsay had a violin lesson this morning and Shannon took all her kids from about 9:30 to noon so Hannah and I could have a golden opportunity to practice piano. After we both ran through our skill spots, played the song through a couple times and finished our practice, we put in a movie and watched the first hour of it. I knew we had a lot to do once Shannon and company returned, and I didn't want to deal with trying to drag not only myself, but four other kids away from the TV, so at noon I asked Hannah to turn it off. She did so without question and we turned off the TV and put away the movie as if nothing had happened. I even went back to the piano and started a second practice, so when Shannon and everyone came in from the garage a few minutes later, she made a passing remark like, "Wow, you haven't moved in the whole three hours we were gone!" (To which I replied, "Trust me, I've moved.") I wasn't trying to hide the fact we'd been watching Ever After, just make it as un-obvious as possible.

Later that afternoon, when Scott took the boys to a park and after Hannah and I had finished all we could do on our respective dessert and dinner dishes, we popped the DVD back in and finished it up. Lindsay and Shannon were surprised when they came in from the other room to find us in the middle of the movie.

"Sneaky, Jessica," Shannon said to me. "I guess I DID tell you before I left the house you could do whatever you wanted. But it was pretty sneaky to get back on the piano before we came in... I think I'm seeing a dark side of you." (Later, she teased me about something else, but similar: "Wow, Jess, you DO have a dark side. I'm glad to know you're as human as the rest of us!")

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