Thursday, September 29, 2011
Paper shredder
Sue let me use the beastie yesterday when I asked if she had anything I could do at work. :)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Mara is the best roommate in the whole world.
Friday, September 23, 2011
The long-anticipated day has come
Oh blessed September 23, Day of Free Food. Today we had una fiesta en la clase de español with frijoles, queso, arroz, lechuga, chips, galletas and doughnuts. I had two helpings. The food was delicious each time. I'm still not sure why el profe decided to have a fiesta, but you won't hear me- or anyone else- complaining. Ahh, it was good.
Later today, tengo una otra fiesta para español- this time with the entire Spanish and Portuguese Department. Before that, there's an ice cream social at 4 which I can't attend; but Mara and Sara can, and Sara promised to save me some helado. La comida continues tonight with shaved ice and a movie (or the game, we haven't decided which) with Mara and Josh at Josh's apartment, and tomorrow for lunch with David, el hermano de Sara, followed by una cena antes de the Relief Society broadcast. And then, to cap it all off, vamos a tener "break the fast" el domingo (we're fasting this week since Conference is next week).
Estoy feliz.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Saxophone class
This week, I accidentally wrote down the wrong time for my class and missed it altogether. I showed up about two minutes after it ended thinking it was due to start. When Jory found out I hadn't intentionally blown him off, he rescheduled the lesson and arranged for a substitute teacher. And so my second private sax lesson ever was yesterday at 5, with another amazingly kind, patient grad student named Ben who seemed worried I was getting bored with playing scales. (Jory taught me one last week; Ben added two more.)
"I'm happy to play scales," I told him. "It's more than I walked in here knowing."
"Well, I'd recommend finding a recording of a sax player you like and using it as a reward for playing your scales," Ben said. "Try to figure out the songs; try to figure out some other scales on your own. You'll learn so fast if you do."
It's so exciting to hold a saxophone in my hands again and actually begin to feel I know what I'm doing.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Chain of ignorance
We started talking about the big rivalry football game today against Utah and how none of us had tickets, but we'd probably be able to hear it from our "backyards," considering the stadium is right across the street from Alta.
"A bunch of people in the lounge usually watch games together," Josh said.
"We could watch it on TV and hear it live at the same time," I quipped.
"We should do it," Mara said. She turned to me and asked, "what time is the game?"
I turned to Josh and asked, "What time is the game?"
Josh turned to Tanner and asked, "What time is the game?"
Tanner looked at him and said, "I don't know."
Josh looked at me and said, "I don't know."
I looked at Mara and answered, "I don't know."
On the other side of Mara, Chris started laughing. But he didn't know the answer either.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Sara's proposal
"Oh Sara, the answer is yes!"
Thursday, September 15, 2011
There are few things more satisfying than work well done
The computer network was down at work for three days in a row (Monday through Wednesday), which was frustrating but fun when I discovered ways to get work done without My Documents. (Hooray for my flash drive and e-mail, which I used heavily as places to save and transport the work I did!)
Article #1: PhD student takes third in new ACS symposium, published Monday
Article #2: Lots of fun and food at annual department picnic, published Wednesday with pictures
When I wasn't sorting through 165 pictures (I got a little trigger-happy at the department picnic), revising articles, or finding creative ways to update the digital signage, I was catching up or getting ahead on school assignments... All told, a productive couple of days even though the odds were stacked against me!
Even so, I was very glad when I arrived for work today to find the network up and running once again.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
10 years ago today
My mom stared at the screen for a minute, then remembered I was still in the house and turned to usher me out. I walked to my elementary school, which is right next to our house, not fully comprehending what I had seen or the scope of the tragedy that had just occurred. When I got to school, my fourth grade teacher Mrs. Evans asked how many children had heard the news. Quite a few had. We talked about it for a little bit. I don't remember specifics of what was said, but I recall that was the moment I realized these two crashes were more serious than I thought.
In the years that have passed since then, I keep realizing more and more what a shocking, terrible thing this was to happen, the incredible heroics of the emergency personnel that were called to the scene, and the phenomenal feelings of unity and patriotism as our nation rallied around the tragedy.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Timp hike
Sara invited Mara and I to hike Mount Timpanagos with her family yesterday. We spent Friday night at the Djurich house so we could all get up at a whopping 3:30 a.m. (so we weren't hiking in the hot part of the day).
Sara read us a bedtime story, "Where is My Cow?" by Terry Pratchett
(This is Rachel's room, where Mara and I slept. We were excited and very entertained by the wide expanse of glow-in-the-dark stars covering the ceiling. Also she has a super comfortable bed. "We pretty much died in that bed," as Mara said.)
Mary and her friend Savannah- 5 a.m.
Mara. 5 a.m. I had to take a picture of this.
Hiking- Mr. Djurich, David, Mara, Mary
One of the many waterfalls :)
Pretending to eat moss at Emerald Lake (Sara)
Mara, Mary, Sara, David, Savannah
Small waterfalls (to the side of a big one, which is not pictured)
Everyone was pretty tired on the way back down
Mary surveying the waterfall
Mara and I were super sore when we finally got back to the Djurich house. Everyone was tired. Mr. Djurich fed us fried chicken, which we devoured. Everyone showered and then Mara and I crashed while Sara and Mary veged playing Legend of Zelda. We woke up in time to go back to Provo with David, and Sara crashed while Mara and I did laundry and swam for a bit. (We needed the weightlessness to give our muscles a rest.)
After church today, we went and visited Jill at Wyview. She serenaded us on the guitar outside for a little while, and we talked a little bit. It was nice.