Sara invited Mara and I to hike Mount Timpanagos with her family yesterday. We spent Friday night at the Djurich house so we could all get up at a whopping 3:30 a.m. (so we weren't hiking in the hot part of the day).
Sara read us a bedtime story, "Where is My Cow?" by Terry Pratchett
(This is Rachel's room, where Mara and I slept. We were excited and very entertained by the wide expanse of glow-in-the-dark stars covering the ceiling. Also she has a super comfortable bed. "We pretty much died in that bed," as Mara said.)
Mary and her friend Savannah- 5 a.m.
Mara. 5 a.m. I had to take a picture of this.
Hiking- Mr. Djurich, David, Mara, Mary
One of the many waterfalls :)
Pretending to eat moss at Emerald Lake (Sara)
Mara, Mary, Sara, David, Savannah
Small waterfalls (to the side of a big one, which is not pictured)
Everyone was pretty tired on the way back down
Mary surveying the waterfall
Mara and I were super sore when we finally got back to the Djurich house. Everyone was tired. Mr. Djurich fed us fried chicken, which we devoured. Everyone showered and then Mara and I crashed while Sara and Mary veged playing Legend of Zelda. We woke up in time to go back to Provo with David, and Sara crashed while Mara and I did laundry and swam for a bit. (We needed the weightlessness to give our muscles a rest.)
After church today, we went and visited Jill at Wyview. She serenaded us on the guitar outside for a little while, and we talked a little bit. It was nice.
I am glad you posted about your hike. Good job. Timp is a hard hike. Did you run into much snow? I did miss seeing a picture or two of you. You need to pass off your camera. The picture of Sara at Emerald Lake is creepy. Good thing Sara's dad had David so he wasn't the only boy among all those girls.