Hola, my dear family and friends!
First off, I hope all is well with you. I love you. I know God will care for each of you. As you do your best to follow Him, you can have complete trust that everything will work out to your good.
The wedding didn`t end up happening, but the two baptisms did! It was truly a marvelous experience to see two of the people I`ve come to love a LOT enter the pila bautismal para hacer convenios con su Padre Celestial (baptismal font to make covenants with Heavenly Father). As Hermana Winters said, `I LOVE baptisms!` It`s completely true, and it`s not because we`re counting numbers. Each baptismal record represents a treasured person. Alma, one of the prophets in the Book of Mormon, wrote my favorite description of how I feel about each and every person we teach. I think it`s in chapter 31 of Alma: `their souls are precious.`
So far, I have successfully, sincerely made friends with each person that we visit on a regular basis. The mission is a great place to meet people from all walks of life, and I know one day I will return here to visit everyone.
I testify the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. It is the same iglesia (church) that Christ Himself established on the tierra (Earth).
Much love,
Hermana Henrie
We learned to make balloon animals from a menos activos (less active) member we visit.
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