Dear family and friends,
I sure love you, you know that? I pray for you and have trusted you in God`s care. People in the Church say that missionaries walk in the hollow of the Lord`s hand, but I know the truth--we ALL walk in the hollow of the Lord`s hand, no matter where or who we are.
It`s been a great week of hard work, with a recompensita (reward) in the form of a wonderful FAMILY that is now listening to the lessons. The very first question of the papa de la familia was: ´I´ve talked to a lot of preachers, and everyone I talk to says the same thing, that my family won`t know each other (as family--brother, sister, wife, mother, etc) in the life after death. But that doesn`t seem just to me. I just can`t imagine heaven without my family. What do you believe?´
It was a pure joy to pull out our folletos (literature) about El Plan de Salvaciòn (the Plan of Salvation) and explain that it`s in God`s plan for the families we have on earth to remain with us in the eternities. The papa is right, how could heaven be heaven without our families? I testify that God has prepared the camino (road). He has the perfect plan, and as we show our faith in Jesus Christ, are baptized, repent of our sins, receive the Holy Ghost and persevere in these steps to the end of our lives, we will receive a fulness of joy, the likes of which we have only barely tasted in our happiest moments on earth.
I love being a missionary. I love being your daughter, sister, niece, granddaughter, and friend. (Did I leave anyone out? I don`t think so...)
Take care, all.
Con amor,
Hermana Henrie
What a sweetie! She is such a great missionary.