Copied from the press release on
Bruno Emilio Vásquez Robles, 50, and Brenda Elizabeth López de Vásquez, four children, Sonora Ward, Amatitlán Guatemala Stake: El Salvador San Salvador East Mission, succeeding President David L. Glazier and Sister Beverly B. Glazier. Brother Vásquez serves as a branch president and is a former stake president, counselor in a stake presidency, bishop and branch president. Employment resource center manager, Corporation of the Presiding Bishop. Born in Guatemala to Bruno Vásquez de Leon and Maria del Rosario Robles de Vásquez.
Sister Vásquez is a former ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, seminary and institute teacher and temple ordinance worker. Born in Guatemala to Francisco Roberto López Rubio and Rosalia Manzanero Castillo de López.
About Me (copied from his page)
I was born in a beautiful country called Guatemala, in the center of the Americas. I have only reached my first 48 years of age, and I have a lovely family. In the last 28 years of marriage, my wife Brenda and I have raised our four children (two sons and two daughters); we have two grandchildren and one that will be born in April 2012. Most of my life, I have worked , 30 years as a publisher, of which 8 years were in important companies in my country, and 22 in my own business. The last four years I have become a Life Coach, helping people –especially young people– to find a purpose in life and to develop their potential. This has led to my participation in important nationwide television and radio programs and to making presentations at companies and schools. I love to read and learn all the time. Also, as a good Latino, I love to dance, listen to music, and play soccer, which I do three times a week.
When I was 10 years old, while reading the Bible I came to understand that through Abraham, God established 12 tribes of Israel, of which 10 are lost, and one is the tribe of Judah, but my concern was which was the tribe that completed the 12. I asked many people this question, and no one ever could answer it. Years later, I met my wife, who was already a member of the Church, and I would never let her talk about that topic, even when she would go to attend Church; I would just go and drop her there, I would never let her get us talking about religious topics. Since I had always liked soccer, the young single adults invited me to be part of their soccer team, and I started having Mormon friends, which led to some sister missionaries giving me the invitation to listen to their message, and I accepted; when they spoke to me about the Book of Mormon and its origin, I asked if it was that tribe which seven years earlier I had been seeking. I immediately had a feeling of warmth in my heart, and with great desire I began to read the book. It took me 22 days to read it, and a feeling of gratitude came into my life, at knowing that Jesus Christ had made a sacrifice for me, and that His gospel had been restored upon the earth. I received the desire to join His Church through baptism. My life changed. I was the first one in my family; today all of my family are members, and we are now seeing a third generation. I know that God is my Father, and I testify that I found the true Church of Jesus Christ, and today I am sharing this with thousands of people, with the certainty that this is true....... and I share this in the name of Jesus Christ.
Personal Stories
Please share your feelings/testimony of the Restoration of the Gospel.
The heavens have been opened again. The authority of the Lord has been given to man again. The authority as well as His Church are found upon the earth again, preparing for the Second Coming of the Savior. Joseph Smith was a prophet of GOD. The ordinances are the manifestation of His power of divinity, and today His Church is led by prophets, seers, and revelators. I have the certainty and the hope of living with GOD and being a partaker of His beauteous blessings. I am His son, and He invites me to be perfected through His Son, my Redeemer Jesus Christ.
How I live my faith
I have served in the Church for more than 30 years, and one of the most beautiful experiences I have had was when my wife and I served in the program for youth called “Especially for Youth,” or EFY, 2010. There were several months of preparation to serve as session directors, and during an entire week we shared in the lives of 740 young people. It was beautiful to see them arrive and participate in every activity and get involved in the devotionals. The classes were as if they were all our children, participating with their talents, as well as the dances. On Thursday we held a devotional which reached into the hearts of all of us who participated. Each one of them went up to bear their testimonies. I think that we cried for more than an hour, and the day that we bid each other farewell at week’s end, no one wanted to go back home –it was a beautiful experience. It was lovely to teach them. It was lovely to live among them. After nearly a year, we keep in touch with most of them. Many of their parents saw a change in each one of their children, many for the first time.
To watch his "I'm a Mormon" video click HERE
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