Monday, August 11, 2014

Cambios in Cojutepeque

Notice the subject of the email is NOT `Cambios FROM Cojutepeque.` Read on.

Dear family and friends!

I can hardly believe another week has passed and it`s Monday again. I`m sitting here in Ilobasco (we`re having another activity as a zone) writing you all with a brand new companion sitting by my side. Hna Abadillo was transferred out of Cojutepeque on Wednesday (she wound up in my first area, Montecristo 2!) and I am now with an hermana I knew from the CCM... Hna Merrell! She was in Graig`s district in the CCM, so I don`t know if I`ve mentioned her before. Maybe he has. She`s 21, from Idaho, and I`m really excited to be working with her. In less than a week, she`s transformed the area by upping our finding efforts a lot. We feel really blessed because, although several important teaching appointments fell through this week, we found more very prepared people. It`s funny how a new companion helps you see your old, familiar area with new eyes. I know she`s going to help me reach my potential in some ways that I was lacking a bit, and I feel I have some things I can teach her as well, so we`re going to be a great team!

News from investigadores: Edwin finished the entire first book of Nephi and is starting Second Nephi. He wasn`t able to come to church yesterday but has committed to attend a church activity on Friday and also the church meetings this coming Sunday.

One of our most positive new investigadores from this week is a young woman in her twenties named Graciela. She has several friends who are members of the Church and says she has noticed something different about them. She was on the edge of her seat when Hna Merrell asked if she wanted to know what`s different about her LDS friends. We explained that after we`re baptized we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and this gift helps us live good, clean lives as we strive to follow the Savior Jesus Christ. She accepted a baptismal invitation and will prepare for a date in September. She was really excited to start reading the Book of Mormon.

Also, our investigator Gilberto, jr., is all set for his baptism at the end of this month! His testimony has grown so much since the first time I met him six weeks ago. It`s incredible. It`s come from his efforts to read the Book of Mormon every day, from praying every day, and from attending church faithfully every Sunday. While I was studying for him the other day, I came across a part of Preach My Gospel that I LOVED. It was basically a testimony that as we each strive to keep our baptismal covenants and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives, we grow in our understanding of Christ`s Atonement, which gives us faith, hope and happiness even during the trials of life.

The Church is true! It is directed by Jesus Christ Himself, through a modern prophet. It contains the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Its teachings are pure and divine, because they were restored by God.

I love you,
Hna Henrie

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