Monday, October 13, 2014

Rainstorms :)

We´ve been having some intense rainstorms. In El Salvador, it typically rains hard for 30-40 minutes at a time, then drizzles for a while or stops raining for a while. This is how it looked on Thursday as we headed out to work after lunch.

Dear family and friends,

How great to hear from you! Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day to send me a note. Or a picture. (shout out to Aunt Connie, who always sends lots of pictures :D)

This week, it´s been raining a lot. People tell us we´re nearing the end of ´winter,´ meaning the rain will stop soon, so I´m enjoying it while I can. It´s funny, because technically we´ve been in ´winter´ time for months now, and it hasn´t rained nearly as much in all that time as it did in this past week. I love the rain. It cools everything down and calls down the fog from the top of the mountain.

Man oh man, but Cojutepeque is beautiful.

Funny moments of the week: when I went on intercambios with Hna Huamani (I served with her in Apopa), we got to talking about Apopa and missed the bus stop to Hna Huamani´s new area. We basically just jumped out of the bus while it was at a stoplight and ran back to where we were supposed to be. :) Then the next day, on our way to change companions again, the same exact thing happened. Only this time we were on the freeway. Luckily, buses make stops on the side of the freeway all the time here, no biggie, we just made the bus stop and walked alllll the way back up the hill toward our meeting place.

Other than that, and the rain, it was a very normal missionary working week. I love love LOVE being a missionary. I also have new respect and love for my companion. Hna Merrell did many small acts of service for me this week. I´m grateful to be serving with her, in Cojute, El Salvador! As my friend Hna Boren often said in her letters home: God is good.

Love you all!
Hna Henrie
I had an intercambio with Hna Huamani!!! (I served with her in Apopa) She finally got transferred out of Apopa and is now one of my Hermanas Líderes! It was one of the best days. I love and admire Hna Huamani a lot.
Our cocinera gave me a dress. I chose to wear it today.

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