Sunday, December 30, 2018

Starting Again

It's been a while since I felt compelled to add to my blog. There's plenty I could have said, but nothing seemed worth the effort until now. Writing comes from inspiration, and part of inspiration is work--actually sitting down to write and then listening to that inner voice that helps you know what to say.

For the better part of two years, the majority of my mental energy has been tapped to meet the challenges of a difficult job. But ever since I found a new job in November, my reservoir of mental energy has been filling again. Giving me a desire to resume writing, and resume sharing some of that writing here.

As I sit here in my quiet apartment, listening to Paul Cardall's beautiful, serene piano music on Pandora, it occurs to me that "starting again" is the essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is the great Mediator between us and God.

When Christ suffered and died for our sins, He was meeting the demands of justice and creating an opportunity for mercy. Thanks to that act, each day we can start again fresh.

My mom has a saying. "Thanks to Jesus Christ, no bad thing is permanent and all good things can last forever." The bad thing could be an event, like the death of someone we love, or a character weakness, like the inner pride that makes it so hard to change. The good things I usually think of are my family, my friendships, and life's perfect moments.

Christ has redeemed us, and He invites everyone to use His gift to be a little bit better each day--bit by bit until we can actually feel comfortable in the presence of God. That's the ultimate goal of existence--to learn to live in such a way that we are truly Christlike, and can return with our loved ones to the presence of our Heavenly Father.