"Have you ever experienced a perfect moment in time?"
"A perfect moment?"
"When time seemed to stop."
(Pauses) "Seeing my home planet from space for the first time."
- from Star Trek: Insurrection
This weekend, I experienced a perfect moment. It was actually a series of moments that filled an entire day. Honestly, it could not have been better.
My best friend got married in the Oakland California Temple. And I was privileged to be there for every moment of it.
There was a beautiful feeling in the temple that day - even more than usual. As I listened to the temple sealer share very personal insights into the sacredness of the temple and of marriage with Jennifer and her new husband, I was filled with a sense of awe. I am still in awe, of the goodness of God.
The rest of the day proved just as beautiful. It was evident how much the couple adored one another. They glowed with happiness. Their big smiles never left their faces.
Fast forward to this morning. I found myself studying the Christlike attribute of patience, and my thoughts turned immediately to Jennifer's wedding day. Sometimes God doesn't answer our prayers right away because He wants us to learn patience. He wants us to learn to move forward with our lives, meanwhile trusting in His timing in providing the answers we seek.
God is our loving heavenly father, and He has a plan for every one of His children. Sometimes, like on the day Jennifer got married, it's fulfilling to look back and reflect on how He guided us to where we are now.
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