DISCLAIMER: The following scenes are based on the movies listed, not on the book (if there is one) the movie is based on. I also added my own twists and take on certain characters. It's more like fan fiction than anything else. --You can laugh all you want! 
"Sir, we found these women along the Nile," Lieutenant Jares** reported. A string on ten soldiers, each holding a Nubian maiden in chains, followed smartly behind him.
Captain Radames looked them over. "Good. They'll make excellent slaves." He frowned and gestured to the woman Jares was holding. "Remove that necklace. It belongs to me now."
Jares did as he was told, taking the jewelry and tossing it to Radames.
"That belongs to me, and you have no right to take it!" the girl snapped immediately, twisting in Jares' grasp. Before the lieutenant could do anything about it, the woman had drawn his sword and was holding it to his throat, despite her shackles. "Let us go."
Radames hid his shock at the girl's obvious skill and snapped his fingers. Instantly, the fingers of every guard of Jares were wrapped around the throats of their captives. "Drop the sword, girl."
It only took one look for the woman to give in. She dropped Jares' sword with a clatter, and all the guards lowered their hands except Jares. Radames' lieutenant acted quickly, scooping up his blade and preparing to execute the outspoken Nubian. "Captain, let me kill her!" His voice was furious and barely controlled.
Radames glanced at the slave. To his surprise, she met his gaze without flinching, and his pride rankled. "No," he told Jares, who lowered his weapon, fuming. "Take them all away- except this one. I have something special for her."
Jares' face cleared a little. Radames' threat inspired a knowing chuckle among his men as they obeyed. Soon he and the woman were alone. He stepped forward and grasped her arms. At last she flinched.
She's beautiful, he thought briefly. "May I take off your shackles?" he inquired dryly.
"Why?" the woman relaxed a little but her eyes were suspicious.
"They'll only get in the way." Radames' reply sounded a bit more ominous than he'd intended. He pulled up a stool next to a sponge and a bucket of water and pulled off his shirt. "You're going to wash the filth of battle from my skin." He sighed. "It's been a long time since I felt clean."
The woman recoiled and spat, "I'd rather die than touch your filthy Egyptian skin!"
That was insulting. Radames leaped up, nearly knocking over the stool. "I command it, and you will obey." He felt a surge of triumph when she scowled but grabbed the sponge. He sat down on the stool again, and she attacked his bare skin with a vengeance.
"You're as rough with a sponge as you are with a sword!" Radames grumbled.
"I wish I had one now," the woman muttered rebelliously.
Radames unbuckled his sword belt and let it drop. "There's mine. Want to use it?" he mocked, daring her to reply. She didn't, and he pressed on, pouring salt into the wound. "What were you doing strolling around the Nile, anyway? Don't you know there's a war on and it's dangerous?"
He must have struck a nerve, for she abruptly dropped the sponge and turned to go. Radames wheeled and caught her. "You're not finished yet."
"Yes, I am!" she snarled.
"Kneel before me," Radames snapped roughly, staring her down. She stared back, deliberately pulling out of his hold and moving stiffly away.
"Hey!" Radames grabbed her and held her in place. "You must obey me. You are now a slave; you'd best keep that in mind." She only glared at him. "What's your name?" Radames asked angrily.
*Not the movie (if there is one). The musical, adapted for Lehi High School's production.
**Couldn't remember their actual names, so I made up my own. Maybe some of you could help me out. Give me the correct names, and I will replace the made-up ones, promise.
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