Highlights (because bullet points are just faster):
We got Sugar to puppysit Saturday! Jill had to call and beg Kris (Chris? Cris?), Sugar's "mom," to let us take her. Then when Kris (Chris? Cris?) showed up she said Jill could keep Sugar for as long as she needed her. Yay!
- Made homemade pizza Saturday with Jill, Mara and Sara. It turned out yummy (see picture below)

- Jill got triple blessings Sunday for 1) going to church, 2) playing in sacrament meeting and 3) teaching an awesome, totally inspired Relief Society lesson. She asked Mara to do her hair before (Mara straightened it last Sunday and Jill liked it so much she wanted her to do it again; picture below). When Jill asked her, Mara said very casually that one of these days she wanted to give one of us an "up-do". I did not meet her eyes.

- I should also mention we used my brand-new Christmas crockpot for the first time on Sunday. Jill made us very yummy bean soup, which we ate with homemade rolls baked from Saturday's extra pizza dough.
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Hooray for no school! It was a full day:
- Spent all morning (7-noon) "babysitting" Sugar while Jill was at work because she couldn't take Sugar on such short notice. Part of that time I was able to sleep (but only like a half hour), part of it was spent on homework (hooray), part of it was spent writing a letter to Kiera in her new apartment (she says her roommates are great), and the rest of it was spent trying to cheer up Sugar. She missed Jill the whole time and wouldn't even play tug-of-war with me, her favorite game.
- After Jill got back, I spent several more hours trying to read the assignment for my Comms class- we have to read a whole book about how technology is destroying America's culture and I'm not really enjoying it so far. I have a goal to finish it tonight. I still have about 50 pages to read. But then I will be finished!!! And ready to start my paper expanding on its ideas... Due Thursday.
- Mara saved me from an early death by severe boredom by taking me, Jill, Sugar and Zach on an "apartment adventure" to Cold Stone. We also went to Kohl's looking for an ice shaver (Mara is always craving shaved ice) which we couldn't find, probably because it's a little out of season... And Summerhay's to play the grand pianos and guitars. I even held an alto sax. It's much smaller than I remember. I couldn't even remember where all my fingers were supposed to go.
- FHE was canceled last night because so many people were out of town, so we invited Jacketh* over (Zach was already over) and played Apples to Apples, then B.S., then Hearts. (Jill won Apples to Apples, Zach won B.S., and J.D. won Hearts) Sara dropped by for a bit carrying some XBox games from her house, which she's lending to Mara for the semester. She watched us play B.S. and then left at 9:30 to go to bed. Jacketh, Mara and I barely finished our game of Hearts by the midnight deadline, at which time I went to bed and Mara went out to hang with Jacketh some more. (Jill went into her room to do homework after Apples to Apples).
*Apt 217's nickname for Joseph, J.D. and Zach. Mara hangs out with them all the time and got tired of saying all three of their names and so invented this one. It stuck.
Fun pictures. Text sounds kind of familiar:)