Sunday, July 31, 2011
Happy birthday Matthew
Saturday, July 30, 2011
First rehearsal, walks, sports and rattlesnakes
Friday, July 29, 2011
The airport/ air travel experience
- When traveling with a laptop, you are supposed to take it out of your bag and put it in a tray with the rest of your miscellaneous items
- 3:30 A.M. is REALLY early
We headed down the runway slow, maybe 30 MPH, and for a moment I wondered why we weren’t going faster. Then we made a wide turn onto the real runway and accelerated steadily until we were past freeway speed.
You can feel the moment the wheels leave the ground. It’s like an invisible hand pressing on your head, pushing you into your seat. You sit back and watch as the buildings below grow smaller until they’re nearly out of sight – when you’ve reached flying altitude.
Then you get to amuse yourself – by reading a book, or looking out the window like I am now. You marvel that something as big and cumbersome as this plane can be so light in the air. You’re sitting there, marveling at it all, when a flight attendant stops by your row and asks politely,
“Would you like something to drink?”
I guess only first-time fliers like me are so intensely interested in staring out at the clouds and sky, watching the sun come into place, suddenly, in the east behind the tail, enjoying this new perspective above mountains. Above the horizon.
Oh yes, I’m enjoying this view.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The wallet-purse
"I bought you something," she said as I got into the car. Immediately I thought of a conversation we'd had the evening before in which she criticized the size of my wallet bulging in the pocket of my shorts.
"Is it a new wallet?"
"No." She concentrated hard on the road. I sensed I'd hit close to the mark.
"It's not a purse, is it?" I watched her carefully. I will not lower myself to carrying around a purse. It's so much more practical (and fun) to cram things into your pockets and criticize the near-useless "girl pockets" that are so much smaller (and shallower) than the pockets of guys' pants.
"Nope." She grinned. I had a distressing thought.
"Did you get me a fanny pack?"
Now she laughed. "Hmm. I didn't think about that."
I laughed too, but inside I was relieved. A fanny pack would be more annoying than a purse - maybe even more humbling (read: humiliating).
When we got home, she showed me what she had bought. A small bag, sort of like a camera case in appearance, basically a purse but with too many little nooks and crannies for me to resist. As soon as I'd cleaned out my wallet into the little bag, Mom picked up my wallet, said in a solemn voice, "You have served Jessica well," and threw it away.
I christened my new Thing a wallet-purse, because you have to carry it around like a purse but it's too small to warrant full purse status.
I still carry my phone in my pants pocket. Mostly.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
It still hasn't quite sunk in

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Ten days to takeoff
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Funny quick story from FHE
Monday, July 11, 2011
My beautiful button
Every once in a while, I'm given a project I'm not quite sure how to accomplish at work. The most recent example of this is a "Register Your Interest" button for the department Graduate Students page. I probably spent a good two hours figuring out how to do it today, but I DID IT!!! Behold the finished product:

My attempts at art... which I am proud of

Friday, July 8, 2011
Wyview 2010-11: The Blockbuster

Thanks to Danielle for helping me name everyone... :)