EL TEMPLO!!! We went last Tuesday. It was glorious!
Dear friends and family,
Big news of the week: we went to the TEMPLE on Tuesday! and the ward had a baptism on Saturday! (hooray, Hna Cano and Hna Huamani!) Hna Infanzon and I felt very blessed to have many AWESOME lessons with some AWESOME members and some AWESOME investigators. Requirements to be an AWESOME lesson include: feeling the Spirit, a testimony shared by a member, prior commitments kept and new ones made on the part of the investigator, and watching as the investigator`s life begins to change due to Jesus Christ`s atoning power.
That last one I love the best. Being a missionary is the most fulfilling calling/work I have ever had. And all this brings me to... Zenia! She`s my age and a mother. Hna Infanzon met her on the bus one evening. She had had a bad day at work and had also been feeling inquieto en cuanto a some of life`s big questions: Where do we come from? Why are we here? If God loves us, why does He allow bad things to happen? and How can I really change?
They are all questions answered by the Plan of Salvation. Many important truths about God`s plan of salvation were restored through latter-day prophets such as Joseph Smith. If any of you have questions like these, I invite you to go to www.mormon.org and ask the missionaries. They can help you!
We explained the Plan of Salvation to Zenia in the very first lesson, and the Spirit was so strong there was no way she couldn`t have felt it. She accepted the commitment to prepare for baptism! Then at the end of our second lesson as we were on our way out the door, she said, `I just have to tell you guys something. I already feel a change in my life. My house has a different feeling in it. I know this is right.`
:) està preparada!
I bear my testimony that God really does love us, and because He loves us, He provides the comfort, knowledge and experiences we need, in the exact moment we most need them.
Going to the temple really put things into perspective for me. I try to treat every day as a unique opportunity to serve as a missionary, but sometimes it`s also good to step back and look at the big picture of life, because sometimes the daily tasks can kind of bog you down. It renewed my faith and my commitment to serve the Lord, whether or not I`m wearing a missionary tag.
Take care, all! Enjoy the sunny skies while I enjoy the rain. :)
Much love,
Hermana Henrie
with Hna Campos and her family. They`re in the Apopa ward but Hna Campos (in the wheelchair) considers herself our salvadoran mom. :) She`s great.

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